Carbon Accounting

Pioneering Financial and Environmental Responsibility for Business Owners

Empowering Business Owners to Drive Sustainable Change

Running a business isn’t just about turning a profit—it’s about making a positive impact, both socially and environmentally.

At MAD Wealth, we recognize the growing importance of building trusted, transparent, and socially responsible businesses in today’s world. Your goals extend beyond mere financial success; you aspire to change lives and leave a lasting legacy.

But true success isn’t achieved at the expense of the planet. It’s about balancing your business objectives with a commitment to environmental stewardship. Whether you’re taking small steps to reduce your carbon footprint or making significant operational changes, every action contributes to a larger mission of sustainability.

Yet, we understand the challenges you face. Amidst the myriad of responsibilities, finding the time, resources, and support to implement a climate-conscious strategy can be daunting.

That’s where we come in.

MAD Wealth’s Carbon Accounting—a pioneering service designed to align your financial strategies with the well-being of both your business and our planet.

What is Carbon Accounting?

In essence, Carbon Accounting is akin to traditional accounting, but with a green twist. It’s a sophisticated method of tracking your carbon footprint – the total amount of greenhouse gases emitted directly or indirectly by your business activities. Picture it as a ledger for your climate impact, running parallel to your financial books.

Why Should You Care?

The importance of a sustainable future cannot be overstated. Businesses today are significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. By understanding and mitigating your carbon footprint, you not only contribute positively to the environment but also enhance your brand reputation and potentially realize cost savings.

How Does Carbon Accounting Work at MAD Wealth?


Our expert team conducts a comprehensive review of your business activities to accurately gauge your current carbon footprint.

Measurement Services

We guide you through your measurement results, pinpointing areas of highest emissions, and collaboratively crafting decarbonization strategies. These strategies come complete with milestones and timelines for ongoing engagement.

Carbon Management Report

Our Carbon Management Report service delves into options for a co-produced template report with Trace. This ensures clarity and effectiveness in communicating your carbon footprint to stakeholders and the wider community.

Target Setting & Progress Mapping

We work together to establish goals and targets for emission reduction. We hold you accountable and provide ongoing support to achieve these targets, such as transitioning your vehicle fleet to EVs by a specific date or switching to a renewable energy provider.

Employee Engagement

we conduct employee presentations to highlight their contribution to emissions and provide tailored decarbonization strategies. Additionally, we collaborate on incentives for staff to embrace sustainability efforts within your organization.

Supplier Engagement

Our Supplier Engagement service involves thorough research and review of large suppliers to identify less carbon-intensive alternatives. We facilitate engagement with the supply chain to drive collective decarbonization efforts.

Why Choose MAD Wealth for Carbon Accounting?

Clear, Actionable Insights

Our reports are designed to be easily understood, providing you with actionable insights without unnecessary jargon or complex graphs.

Convenient and Efficient

Embracing the digital age, our Carbon Accounting services are entirely virtual and hassle-free. Say goodbye to tedious paperwork and physical visits.

Commitment to Sustainability

Just like you, we’re passionate about making a positive impact on the world. By choosing MAD Wealth, you align yourself with a partner dedicated to driving meaningful change.

Carbon Accounting Image

MAD Wealth acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the unceded land on which we live and work. We pay our deepest respects to elders past, present, and emerging.